Some of you know me as a gallery owner, a jeweler, a singer-songwriter, and a mother. I am all of that. But I am more - just like YOU.

I’m a multi-faceted, multi-dimensional being of light who is continually seeking expansion.

I’ve dedicated my path to seeking and exploring the many layers of my truest self and my divine nature. When I discovered Marconic Ascension Energy, I knew in an instant this was the most direct access I’ve ever had to aspects of my Highest Self.

Since my earliest memories, I have been fascinated with the human search for our Divine connection, obtaining qualifications in higher education in the field of Religious Studies, and pursuing graduate work in Buddhist Philosophy & Social Justice, as well as exploring various healing modalities. But these paths, while valuable in their own ways, always left me yearning for more. Ultimately, I felt limited - limited in being able to fully access my Highest Self, when I knew it was there, when I could feel it tugging at me, asking me to step forward and just trust.

Marconics Ascension Energy brings the Multi-dimensional Holographic Body Templates into balance within the physical construct, by reclaiming fragmented soul aspects from multi-dimensional timelines in preparation for Higher Ascension. The frequencies raise the vibration of the Spiritual, Mental and Emotional bodies above the paradigm of FEAR, and SEPARATION, as they begin draw down higher light codes for the activation of 12 x 12 strand DNA, and beyond.

While we attempt to explain it with our human words, this kind of work is really beyond any 3D language. The moment I experienced Marconics frequencies, it was truly a jolt back “home” - an instantaneous return to my Self: to my connection across the stellar realms from which I came, and to which I belong. It was clear energy, MY energy, my Ascended Self, in its Highest Form – existing at past, present and future points: in the simultaneous NOW.

What was also clear, was that I was meant to assist in offering this energy work to others.

I am passionate about this beautiful, multi-dimensional energy, and how accessing it has resulted in profound healing on personal, etheric and physical levels for me. My personal and professional journey with Marconics is intricately woven. It has allowed me to experience life multi-dimensionally again, which is the delight of many lifetimes. It has also made the human experience of being a mother, an artist, and a teacher a deeply rich and joyful one.

It brings me tremendous joy to know I am finally living my best life: recognizing and shedding old patterns, breaking down the limitations of this paradigm, and living as vibrantly and healthily as I’ve always known I could, and should.

I am honored to be one of a small team of Advanced Marconics Practitioners trained as Initiate Teachers of the Marconics ‘No-Touch’ Ascension Healing Protocol: a Level I practitioner training seminar, under Marconics Originator, Alison David Bird C.Ht, and Co-Founder, Lisa Wilson.

I am now offering Level 1 Practitioner Trainings as well as Lecture Series/Information Sessions throughout the region. Please contact me for additional information if you’d like to enroll in a class or host an evening talk.

My Approach

We all have a Higher Self. If you’ve landed on this page, you probably agree with that statement.

As a Certified Advanced Marconic Energy Practitioner, I serve as your bridge back to that access of your Higher Self team. It’s access you’ve had all along, but maybe have forgotten. Or, maybe you’ve shut it off by staying in lower frequencies that don’t quite serve your being anymore.

The path of Ascension is about elevating your consciousness, raising your frequency to surpass the sense of limitations within your being (because, there are none…!), and dissolving the sense of inner and outer gridlock so many experience. It is accessible to all, not just reserved for gifted masters or special individuals.

Anyone can release the density of karmic imprints in order to resonate with the energies of higher realms and experiences. Anyone can dissolve the gridlock that keeps them feeling stuck in this experience and in their patterns. Anyone can explore their most authentic self with ease and spaciousness. The path is available and open now across the cosmic fields. Ready?? Let’s go!

no-cost consult time

I’m happy to share more about what this energy is, why I am working with it, and explore why you are curious about it. Let’s set up a time to connect on a call!

If after your consult call, you feel drawn to experience your first full “No-Touch” Session, it’s easy to schedule HERE.

These can be done remotely or in person at my studio in Madrid, NM (30 minutes south of Santa Fe). Sessions last about 45 minutes.