The planet is raising her frequency as she returns to Light and the experience of higher consciousness. Many have awakened from their Third Dimensional experience and are becoming active in making the necessary shifts to experience something bigger, truer, more resonant in themselves.
Marconic Energy heals the multidimensional holographic body and enables the alignment of the individual with multiple aspects of their Higher Self, all the way up to their Soul Self at Source. It carries the Ascension Frequency of 144,000 and holds the 13th code which is a DNA Activation bringing us into alignment with our Soul Level Identities
marconic energy
is it for me?
Marconic Energy helps you drop density from your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies by raising your energetic signature. The full-spectrum energy works in the ascending 5D body template, where older 3D healing modalities are no longer effective.
Marconic Energy connects you with your Higher Self aspects, allowing you to become the Best and Highest version of YOU in Human Form.
If you are seeking assistance with shedding density, lifting in vibration, establishing clear connection with your Higher Self, stepping outside of 3D density and consciousness then Marconics is for you.
how does it work?
Marconics is an energy modality which anchors the highest of frequencies from the planetary and universal matrixes, and raises the vibrational frequency of the client. Marconics accelerates the release of karmic imprints and helps to activate dormant DNA.
Your vibrational frequency is raised so high in the moment as Marconic Energy - encoded with Light Information – is run through selected points on the body’s own Axiatonal system, profound spontaneous healing on all levels of the multidimensional body may occur.
Marconics is Quantum Energy here for Ascension. It is not a healing modality… but …healing is a by-product due to the simple fact that higher vibrations support clearing lower dense vibrations and allow the physical and energetic body to resonate and come into alignment.
what can i expect?
Marconic Energy practitioners serve as a bridge between the dimensions, allowing the recipient to access their own ‘Higher Self team’ and draw in the higher templates and energies most appropriate for them at the time. Everything that happens in a session is YOUR own experience.
Many clients experience healing ‘clearings’ in the hours, days and weeks after their sessions. As cellular memory and karmic imprints are released from the physical and subtle bodies, it is not uncommon to experience physical healings, increased energy, joy, compassion, detachment, and better health. Many clients report increased intuition and/or a deeper spiritual connection as well as personal breakthroughs after a session.
Your Marconic Energy session enables you to:
Accelerate your evolutionary process
Shed karmic density from your chakra system
Awaken intuition/ESP & psychic gifts
Activate your spiritual DNA, allowing you to reclaim hidden talents, skills, and sense of self
Align with your higher mission and life purpose
Release negative past life imprints and trauma from your energy field
The path of Ascension is about elevating your consciousness, raising your frequency to surpass the sense of limitations within your being (because, there are none…!), and dissolving the sense of inner and outer gridlock so many experience. It is accessible to all, not just reserved for gifted masters or special individuals.
Anyone can release the density of karmic imprints in order to resonate with the energies of higher realms and experiences. Anyone can dissolve the gridlock that keeps them feeling stuck in this experience and in their patterns. Anyone can explore their most authentic self with ease and spaciousness. The path is available and open now across the cosmic fields. Ready?? Let’s go!